At NSL, we pride ourselves on delivering comprehensive integrated logistics solutions. In addition to our flexible warehousing and transportation capabilities, we offer convenient value-added services – Real Time Supply Chain Management, Deliver directly to Importers Customers, Unbundle and bundle again with mix and match slabs or other stone products as per end customer order, Virtual Inventory management of products at origin/ in transit/ at warehouse for importers, Products can be sold when they are at factory/in transit/NSL warehouse and likewise products can be bought at origin, in transit or at NSL warehouse for immediate delivery, which reduces lot of inventory costs for importers and reduces turnaround time for Exporters at no risk of payments. NSL also offering Account receivables management and Invoice factoring support for Exporters. The result? You'll be able to streamline operations, accommodate business fluctuations, and control supply chain costs.
One of Its Kind Service bundle
NSL’s 3rd Party Logistics services and NSL owned Integrated Supply Chain Management System (LOGISTICA) are bundled to benefit the importers and Exporters to have seamless process. Once Exporter makes a sale and importer buys, then rest is done by NSL, likewise Once Importer make a sale to their customer/fabricators then whole life cycle of logistics, warehousing etc are done by Dedicated NSL Service Team. Every processed is transacted and tracked through LOGISTICA. NSL model of services help Exporters to make faster sales, faster payments, avoid quality risk using reverse logistics. Natural Stone Importers and Distributors can reduce their capacity building risks, can lower their inventory costs, get more quicker access to products, can reduce long term overhead commitments and make life simple- Just Purchase, Sell, get paid, rest is done by NSL.
NSL is passionate in bringing innovation in the Natural Stone industry supply chain and customer satisfaction defines NSL. NSL is constantly ensuring maximum value for customers with its innovation in supply chain and logistics of natural stones and related products.
LOGISTICA is NSL’s proprietary IT infrastructure that integrates all management functions of export and import process functionalities ensuring cost effectiveness, transparency, quick turnaround, time saving and risk free for both Exporter and Importer.
LOGISTICA is an integrated online application for Exporters and Importers/Distributors.
Exporter version
- Sales Management
- Customer Management
- Order Management
- Inventory Management
- International Transport Management
- Warehouse Management
- In-land Transport Management
- Reverse Logistics
- Account receivable Management
Many more features that ensure the seamless export without any export risk.

Importer Version

- Vendor Management
- Purchase Management
- Inventory Management
- International Transport Management
- Warehouse Management
- Sales Management
- Customer Management
- Order Management
- In-land Transport Management
- Reverse Logistics
All across from purchasing till sales and delivered, product visibility and tracking is one of the main features of LOGISTICA, which also ensures lower inventory costs, lower operations costs and faster and seamless sales that gets a better bottom line with almost zero capacity building risks.